Ring of the Fallen by Logan Dalton
Rotting gold on the cairn,
Sprinkling ashes on the ground,
Trifling glances at the grave.
Understanding faces go insane.
Vexation grows inside me.
Underneath my marble face,
Tears well inside my soul
Swallowing my body whole;
Remembering the fallen...

My second inspiration was personal. Last month, I visited my grandfather's grave, who died one year ago today. We had a really good relationship. He gave me advice in hard times and went to my basketball. I enjoyed helping him paint his shed and helping him around the house when his health deteriorated. He was a very patriotic man, serving in the Korean and Vietnam wars and and the best grandfather anyone could have. The images of sorrow come from his death, and the stark white tombstones in the military cemetery.

My fourth inspiration is also from the Iliad. At the end of the poem, the Trojans burn him on a pyre high on the walls of Troy. This was a fitting end for the greatest Trojan, who stayed loyal to his city despite an unjust war fought over a woman. I can see the women of Troy scattering his ashes in the sacred temple of Pallas Athena.
My final inspiration is a song, "The Memory Remains" by Metallica from their 1999 live album S & M with the San Francisco Symphony. This song talks about the shortness of fame, and how it corrupts. It has biting images of bloated celebrities , like gold rings on every hand and "Dance little tin goddess."
Would you like to post your poetry on Popology? Email me at lakerfakerinroanoke@gmail.com.
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