Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer Blog Ideas and Philosophy

Because of *cough* high school, I've been unable to post any blog posts this past month. However, one of my goals this summer is to put in fresh, varied content daily. So I've made a system of different types of articles that will be posted this summer and hopefully into posterity.

Quotable- I will post a quote from a famous person, book, movie, TV show, or video game and analyze it. The meaning will be expounded but also placed in context for its larger meaning to society at large. Feel free to disagree or flame, but no trolling please ;)

Archive- I will go into the Microsoft Word database on my computer or old notebooks, journals etc. and publish a paper, story, or poem. This is mostly a selfish endeavor because I need RAM for college, but you might enjoy some of my older stuff...

TV Themes- This summer, my goal is to watch Dr. Who (new series), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Guild,  and Star Trek: The New Generation from start to finish. These posts will consist of my reflections and reactions to these shows and characters and will be followed by a "season recap" post about the deeper themes in the shows. When I catch up on Dr. Who and Guild, there will be new episode reviews up regularly.

Comic Corner- Because there's no school, I will indulge my love for the "funnies." Books read and analyzed will include Watchmen, The Dark Knight Returns, Chris Claremont's run on Uncanny X-Men and the original Wolverine miniseries by Claremont and Frank Miller. I may also focus in on specific characters' appearances, so if there's a comic series, creator, or character you want on the blog, fire me a comment. The goal of these posts will be to show that comics aren't just for kids and are the mythology for Americans in the 20th/21st century.

Book Nook (Kindle)- Another type of blog post will be about the book(s) I'm currently reading. When it comes to literature, I have major attention span issues and bounce around from books of different genres too much. I'm currently finishing a Civil War non-fiction book and will kick off the summer with the quadruple threat of C.S. Lewis' Abolition of Man, Bulfinch's Mythology, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and Tale of Two Cities (for my book club).

These are just some of the many types of content on my blog with cheesy rhyming or alliterative names. Others will include Film Fantasies, Poetry Garden, and various posts on items of personal interest like my trip to...

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